The Human Condition Economy.

Only in America do we commoditize people and their lives.

Nathan L. Senter


Photo by Mirza Babic on Unsplash

Gas. Water. Solar. Wind.

Being human. Emotions. Self-worth.

Life as we know it has become commoditized.

All of it. Look around. There is a price tag on everything. We are living in the roadside hubcap tent of life. We are stale candy in a vending machine. We are contestants on an emotional supermarket sweep. Walking garage sales with emotions on our sleeves with tiny round stickers.

Money is the most important thing in history. Ever. It has surpassed water and air as the most vital and essential life-sustaining element. You have nothing if you don’t have money. You don’t have life.

But, you do. You have a life. And there is a malicious economy looking to separate you from it. From yourself.

To a certain degree, we’ve already been separated from it. We have an economy, culture, and country that has been transformed by labor, class, race, and politics. And it has left us looking for ourselves and seeking the help of those thinly equipped to do so.

We have been told that not only is the system broken but so are we. And for just a couple bucks here or a couple thousand there, we can achieve and live the dream.



Nathan L. Senter

Writing to quiet the voices. To empty the gut. To impart that which may illuminate.